
I have decided to create a blog. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing! It seem kind fun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 2015

It has been a long time!  I have worked at Career Step for a year and really enjoy it.  In fact, I am doing the Medical Coding and Billing course through them. 

I started another blog - A Quest for Health.  It is about my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - going through Red River Health & Wellness to get things under control. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Laid off...time, time, time...

So my company did lay offs in July.  They laid off 40% of the Enrollment Staff here in Utah.  I was one of them.  It has been kind of fun not having a job.  I actually am starting my new job on Monday so this is my last week.  We were all boxing up our desks at the same time and my co-worker and I were laughing and joking.  One guy who was visiting the campus carried our boxes out and said we seemed happy.  It is what it is....life happens.  Nothing we could do about it once it happened.  We told him that.

This is the longest I have not worked for as long as I can remember.  The first week was interesting.  I was so bored I cleaned my house, including washing down closet and all the doors.  It has been fun being home when Randy is off. I have told him I need to paint the spare bedroom downstairs - he wanted me to wait and have him help...hmmm....thinking he doesn't think I would do as good by myself.  :) We are going to paint it on Thursday.  I will have to take pictures. The room does not even have a picture on the wall or any decorations and we have almost lived here TWO years!  It is time to get it finished...or even started!

We ran up to Dillon the first weekend I was off.  It was kind of emotional as I was missing my family and planning on taking a weekend in September but didn't know what my schedule would be like now with the job change.  I had a great plan to head over to Stevensville and spend time with my brother and his family.  I am in need of a Kennedy and Cambree fix!  Love those girls!

We visited his family and I went up to see my mom.  I also think I was a little more stressed about not having a job then I thought. Here are some pictures.  The only ones I have of me are on my phone...not talented enough to figure out how to post them here....yet.  :)
Montana Skies

Randy bought a new toy ... testing it out when we were in Dillon
Cute Jade

Hanging out on the porch
Cory & Whitney

Cody & Britt....nice serious look there Cody

We also have had some fun taking the jeep up American Fork Canyon.  It was Earl's first time in a creek and he has such short legs he had to swim!  Let's just say it was not his most favorite.  He did figure out to jump on the log and followed Randy back across the creek.  We went up American Fork Canyon to Sundance and then came out through Provo Canyon.  It was a really fun day.  So nice just to get out of town...and it was a weekday!  So weird!

Earls first time in a creek

First time swimming...Randy was laughing...so was I!

He found the log!

Figured it out on the way back!

American Fork Canyon

I have lost 19lbs this summer.  Happy am I.  Well, until tonight when I had a freaking chocolate attack.  Sigh...

So I have learned that time really flies by ...working or not.  It really is a matter of deciding to be productive with my time.  I seemed to get just as much done when I was working as not.  I think when people don't have as much time they seem to get more done than when one has all the time they want. Now that I don't have as much on my schedule I don't seem to rush to get things done.  I have enjoyed reading and surfing the internet.  Pintrest anyone???

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Randy and I decided it is time to get in shape...together.  It was not working for me trying to do it myself.  I would go to the gym, work, come home make cookies or brownies for him and then of course I had to EAT some.  We met with his old mission companion today and set up a plan that we start tomorrow.  I am excited!  However, we are having cake and ice cream at work to say good-bye to a co-worker.  I better enjoy it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm back

So I am back.  Does it really count as being "back" if all I did was create the blog and then not blog anything for TWO YEARS!  I guess since I did start it should count.  haha!  Randy got a job offer in Utah so I transferred with my company and we moved to Utah.  We bought a house in November 2011.  He was then offered a job with a better company last fall.  I am going to update my blog and add pictures this weekend.  I heard I can make a book out of it at the end of the year.  How fun would that be?!  But in order to make a book one has to have something in it.  :)